Wednesday, August 15, 2012

SoCal, group and Labor day specials

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted in so long. I've taken a bunch of time off, traveled and spent time with family.  I'm actually spending the rest of August in Southern California, primarily San Diego and Orange County, and figured I would let people know that I'll be somewhat open for business during the rest of this trip. I'm only planning on working a day or two a week the next two weeks.  

In that regard, I'm offering a three-for-two special for this weekend, next week, and the week after (through Thursday). Three in a group, for a two hour session, for the price of a two person group/two hour session.  Pretty good deal. The actual rate is dependent upon VIP/Exec VIP/Emperor, so email for details.

Also, for Labor Day, I'll be back in Phoenix, as I needed to take care of some business, and am taking reservations for the weekend. I'm actually going to work Fri-Mon, and first bookings go to anyone wanting full-day/night or multiple day/night sessions, or those booking full day/night group sessions. 

Lastly, I've updated my activities and fetish pages. Please take a look and email with any questions.

xxx ooo

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WM Open Special

I'm old school Phoenix, so it's hard not to call it the Phoenix Open, but whatevs. So I've decided to run a couple specials. I'm calling it my Three-Holes-in-One special. Cute, huh?  In actuality, there's three specials to choose from:

Three-Holes-in-One Special#1: Pay for a two-hour session, and get a three-hour. Yes, I'm throwing in the extra hour free. My standard 3 hour VIP session would normally be 1100, but next week during the Open, you can get it for 800. So, three holes, three hours. Pretty good price if you ask me at less than 300 an hour.The same deal would go for the Exec VIP, normally 1800, but for next week, 1400. Lastly, it would also work for my Emperors package (for those of you in the know). I don't normally offer it for less than 3 hours, but rather than the normal 2500, we can do 1800.

Three-Holes-in-One Special #2: Pay normal donation next week for any Exec VIP session, you can get a second session anytime the rest of February (that is to say, February 6th through 29th) at the VIP rate. So, two hours for 1400 or three for 1800 next week, you can do a second Exec VIP the rest of the month at 1100 or 800. 

Three-Holes-in-One Special #3: What's any golf related promotion without some kind of foursome offer. So, for you and up to three horny friends, you can get a three hour VIP session for 1100 for the first guy, and 200 for each additional. So, four of you would be 1700 for the three hours. Exec VIP is 1400 for the first, and 300 for each additional (2300). And yes, while I don't normally do Emperor in multiples, next week only, 3 hours for 2500 for the first, and 500 for each additional (4000). 

Contact me with any questions, or to book. Remember, same day is rarely available, particularly for Exec VIP. Hope to hear from you soon!
XXX OOO (always triple X, always three holes) 